Sunday, September 4, 2016

THE REALITY OF COLLEGE: Part 2 Your Optimal Experience

OK! Now to the fun part. I get to tell you what to do to have your optimal experience. Hahahahahaaha psych. You know how everyone will tell you life will get better after high school? It doesn't. Not for the majority of the population. I'm really hoping that its after college where it gets better for almost everyone. But stay tuned and maybe we'll find out together.

(Ew, why you gotta go and click bait this Mikayla.?? Well, first of all it technically isn't. Second of all, I just wanna say YOU DON'T HAVE TO DO ANY OF THIS. I didn't do half of them. Just do them if you can or if you even want to! YOU HAVE FREE AGENCY.)

Probably how you feel towards me right now

Unless you are the most amazing human being ever, you will NOT have the most amazing and totally stereotypical college experience.  Also, I don't mean to be a downer, but the type of people who are having an as-close-to-optimal college experience won't even be reading this, so we're all good. I promise you that NOBODY has their shit together. Everybody out there is struggling with something. It might be small, it might be big, but their life is NOT perfect. BUT, I still will share with you some tips to get as close as you can. (PS Mind you, these are what I wish I had done--these are not golden tickets to a perfect life by any means.)

1. Start researching colleges early and maybe even apply for early decision if you are that smart of a cookie. ALSO, APPLY FOR SCHOLARSHIPS FOR THOSE SCHOOLS. (That can be a huge factor--for me, it was practically the deal breaker). But have a list of colleges that you can afford, that have more than one good program/degree that you're interested in, or that is close to home or even maybe far away from home, BEFORE you graduate high school, (or preferably the spring semester of your senior year). Try not to pay attention to how much of party school it is or stupid shiz like that, but to things that really matter to you. If you care about distance or class size, then by all means make that the biggest factor in your decision making.

sometimes this is how it feels to try and find a college

2. Take college credits in high school. Just do it. It doesn't matter how many you take or end up getting, PLEASE PLEASE take advantage of it if your high school offers it. YOU WILL NOT REGRET IT. Maybe even get your Associate's Degree (like my bff did.[and yes, I actually have a friend... or three.])

3. LIVE AT HOME IF YOU CAN. If you are going to a college near your home, and living in an apartment, I will slap you. Ok, I'm kidding. It totally depends on your family situation. But, if you're just living on your own for stupid reasons and its draining your bank account.... then I will slap you until you see reality. At least through your sophomore year. It saves SO MUCH MONEY I can't even stress that. I've been a broke ass diva since college started and that causes anxiety for me. OR, live super close to campus or ride the bus or a shuttle (like my apartment complex has) to save LOTS of money on gas. Basically, take every money saving step possible. 

4. GET A JOB IN HIGH SCHOOL. Seriously start applying for jobs for 14 year olds, but if there are none, start at 16!! You will love yourself for building funds for college. There are so many expenses out there that you don't even think of. 

5. GET A PART TIME JOB IN COLLEGE. Only if your sanity can take it and you can keep doing a stellar job keeping up with homework. Don't stop applying until you for sure have a job. Half of them won't even contact you so apply apply apply. Try applying for your first choices like the first week, then second choices, then your last resorts.  

trying to apply for jobs like

6. Talk to people. I don't even take this advice, so don't feel like you have to. But I at least try to look like I'm totally willing to talk and act like when/if someone does. But I do have  resting beach face so its kind of hard. Network! 

7. Totally disregard 6 like me if you are me. 

8. Be nice to your roommates if you have them. Be cordial and try not to be the overly passive aggressive roommate. If you can afford, get a private room, or if you're super lucky or rich, get a private apartment. 


10. Kind of like number 9, TAKE LOTS OF VARIETY OF CLASSES like dance or yoga or film history or a language class if you're into those. I would be into those. 

11. Don't take the crap that life throws at you too seriously. Try super hard to be happy. I don't even do that and I'm depressed, so make of that what you will.

 Me watching life pass me by... don't be like me. I'm trying to not be like me

Good luck. If you're anything like in the situation I'm in (friendless, depressed, already in your sophomore, junior year and still indecisive, broke AF, going slowly crazy) just know that I know what its like. Please don't give up. Don't let me give up. We can do it together. 

Lots of love, 
a broke AF young adult  & college student

PS Speaking of scholarships/getting money for college, please vote for me! :) Dr. Pepper Tuition Giveaway

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